More than just a social media trend1/15/2018 I am reposting an article here by Heather Doughty, who has written an incredible summary of why the #metoo trend is an underreaction, if anything, and that we need to keep it front and centre if our culture is truly going to shift. This isn't about being able to hit post on something and share it with your followers. There are people all over the world who do not have a voice because they do not have personal safety, time, or access to the internet in order to be heard. This isn't about privilege, and about it only coming to light because famous people are calling out other famous people. It is beginning that way because they have the biggest platform. But shouldn't we all do our best to speak up, and to acknowledge that we have the ability to?
Here's the link to Ms. Doughty's article. Please read it and share it: https://medium.com/@hdoughty08/trauma-informed-reader-response-to-the-ill-informed-article-publicly-we-say-metoo-e9a2a7617655medium.com/@hdoughty08/trauma-informed-reader-response-to-the-ill-informed-article-publicly-we-say-metoo-e9a2a7617655
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August 2018
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